Dit is toch wel de 'what the fuck' van de dag. Drie vechtende dikke Amerikanen op een huurboot. Volgens de uploader van de video brachten de vechtbaasjes niet alleen schade aan de huurboot die ze hadden 'geleend' van het Hyatt Resort maar ook aan langsvarende zeilboten die de vechters probeerden te sussen. Ze gooiden met blikken bier en spuugte naar andere mensen. Hoe het afliep zie je in de onderstaande video:
So I was riding on the Cambridge Fun Regatta safety boat when we tried to hail a boat that was getting dangerously close to our sailboat racers and was interfering with the course. They ignored our hailing and we started to follow them because they were operating so unsafely and appeared very drunk. Madness ensued and of course no DNR or Coast Guards were anywhere in the area. I seriously worried one of them was going overboard. They did over $3000 damage to their rental boat from the Hyatt resort rental concession. UPDATE: From DNR charges are pending against the guy who was operating and threw the first blow (something thrown at the larger man, and then he spit on a passenger.)
Posted by Daryl Newhouse on Saturday, July 23, 2016